COVID-19 is a global health pandemic that continues to have drastic impacts on our day-to-day lives. Since January 2020, there have been over 6.6 million cases in the USA. Flattening the curve is going to take all of us, and working together has never been more important. It is natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious in the face of a health pandemic, but with proper COVID safety training, you can do your part in reducing the risk of transmission.
What is COVID-19?
What sets COVID-19 apart from the seasonal flu is the lack of information we have on the new disease. COVID-19 has not been previously identified in humans, and while more information is being discovered through medical trials each day, the long terms effects of the virus are largely unknown at this time. While clinical trials continue and vaccine testing is in development, it is important that we all take the initiative to receive COVID safety training to ensure not only our own safety but also the safety of those around us.
How is COVID-19 Spread?
COVID-19 is most commonly spread from an infected person to another through close contact. Sneezing, coughing, laughing, even singing are some ways COVID-19 can be transmitted if another person breathes in respiratory droplets of an infected individual. Touching a surface with the virus on it and proceeding to touch your face is another risk for transmission, as well as common greetings, such as handshakes, hugs, or kisses. There are a number of simple changes we can make to how we go about our day that can play a key role in reducing the spread of COVID-19. COVID safety training and practicing safe health procedures are important steps we all must take to keep everyone safe.
What Can I do to Stay Safe?
The best form of prevention is keeping your distance from others and self-isolating when experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. In COVID safety training, you will learn that the recommended distance to keep between yourself and others not from your household is six feet. Wearing a face covering or face mask is key to protecting others while in public spaces and washing your hands or sanitizing regularly throughout the day will work to limit the risk of virus transmission.
Keep Safe with COVID Safety Training
During the global health pandemic, it is more than normal to feel scared, anxious, and even helpless but it is also important to keep your head up and to do your part in combatting the virus. No one has to go at it on their own. With COVID safety training from the Center for Safety and Environmental Management (CSEM), you can stay up to date on virus prevention and learn everything you need to know to stay safe during the global health pandemic. CSEM provides worldwide safety training courses and has worked alongside the US Department of Defense for safety educational needs. We are committed to providing all our customers with the best safety training courses available. Get the most from COVID-19 safety training and take action to fight the virus with us. Contact us for more details.