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Venue: 6th & Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20565, United States
Seats Remaining: 9
Venue: 6th & Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20565, United States
Seats Remaining: 5
Book Your Spot offers Hazardous materials transportation safety training classes and courses in many of the transportation regulations to include, hazardous materials as identified in the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and Global Harmonization placard system, the Hazardous Materials Identification System, (HMIS) of the National Fire and Protection Association, (NFPA); International Air Transportation Association, (IATA); Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, (HMTA) and those concerns presented by the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) to include Reportable Quantities (RQ values) and those concerns posed by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods code, (IMDG) and those of the Department of Transportation, (DOT).
General Awareness/Familiarization:
- Introduction and Background
- Rulemaking Procedures
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Layout
- Harmonization
- Rules of Construction
- Definitions and Abbreviations
- Registration and Support
- HMR Applicability
- Enforcement (Part 107, Subpart D)
- Training (Part 172, Subpart H)
- Security Training (Part 172, Subpart I)
- Definitions: Hazardous Material (Hazmat),
Hazardous Substance, Hazardous Waste, Marine
Pollutant, Elevated Temperature Material
- Determining: Hazard Class, Packing Group,
Multiple Hazard Classes, Proper Shipping Name
- 172.101 Hazardous Material Table (HMT) Columns
1 – 10 (Part 172, Subpart B)
- Definitions
- General Packing Requirements
- Selecting Specification Packaging
- Applicability, Responsibility, and Marking
- UN Specification Packaging Tests
- UN Specification Packaging Code
- Qualification and Maintenance
Marking (Part 172, Subpart D):
- “Common Sense” Markings Requirements
- Non-Bulk and Bulk “Basic” Markings
- Additional Marking Requirements
Labeling (Part 172, Subpart E):
- General Labeling Requirements
- Column 6 Label Codes
- Subsidiary Hazard Labels Table
- Prohibited and Duplicate Labeling
- Label Specifications and Placement of Labels
- Authorized Label Modifications
- Exceptions From Labeling and CAO