CSEM is run by highly qualified safety and environmental professionals who have extensive experience of more than 30 years. They offer an extensive range of health, safety and environmental training and consulting services for the assistance of individuals and companies in various sectors. Each online training course offered by CSEM has been developed by professional and experienced staff who has complete awareness and knowledge about the health and safety issues. It’s vital for the companies to conduct proper safety training sessions for all new and existing employees. Comprehensive and periodic safety training courses can ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements and can also increase the efficiency as well as awareness among the individuals about the safety measures to be taken. CSEM provides clients with various online safety programs such as 99th commander’s environmental overview, arc flash safety, bloodborne pathogens, crane rigging, defensive driving for no commercial motorists and electrical safety unqualified worker online training course.
Bloodborne pathogens online training course assist participants in the safety of bloodborne pathogens. This training program allows participants to identify the bloodborne pathogens and understand how the harmful diseases are transmitted. Further this safety training course makes you learn to determine your risk of exposure and to protect yourself from exposure through various prevention techniques. The training programs are specially designed so that employees are completely aware to respond if they are exposed and understand their right to the medical evaluations. The training sessions offered by CSEM aims to increase the knowledge and understanding about health and safety and other environmental issues. Each online training course has relevant course content which helps participants in protecting themselves from any kind of accidents and also to take corrective measures if the accident has taken place. It’s the responsibility of companies to indulge their employees in proper safety training sessions otherwise they will have to bear huge amounts of charges for not providing their work force with safe working conditions and awareness.
Safety trainings are essential for all employees working in various factories to know how they can keep themselves safe from any kind of accidents. CSEM provides quality online training course for the safety of unqualified workers involved in electricity jobs. Many factories have unqualified work force who are given training to operate electrical machines. CSEM has a perfect online training course for such employees. The electrical safety unqualified worker online training course has been specially designed for machine operators, operators of powered industrial trucks, construction workers and many others who are not qualified to perform the electrical jobs. This aim of this course is to help the unqualified workers gain relevant information and knowledge about the hazards of electricity and appropriate ways of preventing serious injuries. Effective safety measures are also included in the course content of the electrical safety unqualified worker training course. Centre for Safety and Environmental Management (CSEM) offers an effective online training course for minimizing the accident risks and creating awareness among the unqualified workers about safety.