CSEM is an online company that was established in 1992 for safety training for a broad range of safety, health and environmental training and consulting services. They develop high-quality safety programs for industry, corporate and government agencies and they have a proven history in improving the safety for those who are financially challenged by providing the training they need for their workforce. They offer a variety of programs including a Hazwoper refresher course that will help you understand your role as a first responder as well as your company’s response plan.
The Hazwoper refresher course will teach you how to identify hazardous substances and know the risks associated with them if they are released or spilled. You can recognize a hazardous release or spill and potential outcomes. You will report the spill or release by calling for help. You can choose from the full 40-hour course or from a Hazwoper refresher course that will help bring your skills up to date.
The Hazwoper refresher Day 2 is designed and customized for the client’s specific needs in regards to handling hazardous materials. One of the focal points of the Hazwoper refresher course is hazardous energies. It will encompass the reasons for a refresher spill response course and provide training and refresher requirements. Take a review of hazard communication program, materials business plan, and the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Once you have covered the various procedures, you will do the hands on exercise for spill response pre-checks, demonstrate spill response, and learn decision making capabilities.
While the Hazwoper refresher course 8 hours and the twenty-four hour course both focus on serious safety and health problems that endanger human and animal life as well as the environment, the twenty-four hour course stress the treatment, storage, and disposal guidelines of hazardous materials. With an estimated 575,000 existing chemical products and many more being created annually, there is a serious concern for exposed workers. The course is designed to increase employee awareness of the hazards that are involved when working with and/or around hazardous material as well as the methods needed to control those hazards.
Anyone who has employees who are required to work around hazardous waste will benefit from a Hazwoper refresher course to help make their employees aware of the hazards they face when working with or around those materials that can cause harm to the environment or to themselves. There is also an 8-hour Hazwoper Supervisory 29 CFR course that will help your supervisors learn the important aspects of OSHA compliance, hazardous waste management, as well as the management of emergency procedures. These courses are everything that you need for every level of management and employment when your company uses or is in contact with hazardous materials.
CSEM was founded by Safety & Environmental professionals with more than thirty years of experience and they offer a broad range of safety, health and environmental training and consulting services in addition to the Hazwoper refresher courses for hazardous waste training. Every aspect of training in every industry is important and they offer the courses to make your company safer in every way. Visit CSEM.com to see what courses you need to keep your company safe!
- csem@csem.com
- (888)701-2736
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[…] After passage, four government agencies including OSHAH, USCG, NIOSH and the EPA collaborated on writing the rules and regulations to deal with safety and training issues for companies and workers dealing with hazardous substances or who might potentially be exposed to them. The results of their work came to be known as Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, or HAZWOPER. […]